‘One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind’. Neil Armstrong.

Neil was the first man to walk on the moon, followed by Buzz Aldrin on 20th July 1969.



Awesome, inspirational and 50 years on shows just what we can do from planet earth!

Buzz Aldrin read from the Bible, John 15:5

I am the vine, you are the branches.

Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit.’

You can see the last stages of the landing of the lunar module The Eagle

On a clear dark night we can look at the moon, we can also look at Jupiter for a while. But when the moon is out, especially a full moon, we can look and wonder that it is only a small part of our solar system, it has always been there for us shining and reflecting the Sun. Beyond our solar system and universe we know there is our own galaxy and then more beyond that, beyond our wildest dreams, imagining and understanding.

We live in a tiny part of this universe and our understanding of God and our part is still pretty small.

Read more on Sermons 2019

Rev’d Sue Martin