Lord of the Journey

Basilica of St Francis of Assisi
As we journey with you today, be the compass that guides us, the light that shines on our paths.
As we journey with you today, be the word that encourages, the hand that reaches out.
As we journey with you today, let us glimpse our destination, through the sun filled skies and love of each other.
As we journey with you today, be the strength we need to follow, and the loving embrace at the end of the day. Amen

Magdala and the Sea of Galilee
O Lord of the unexpected, we ask for help when things get tough, in our journeys and our travelling to near and far places.
May we persevere even when we stumble. even when we fall, may we not be afraid to get up and start again. Be with us this day and always.
Prayers on 5th Sunday of Easter

I am the vine and you are the branches.
Lord in the quietness reach out and hold us. Draw us gently into your peace and in the loving silence let us hear the sound of your voice.
May we bring ourselves, in our thoughts, in our minds and in our hearts and let us offer them in words to God this morning. Where we cannot find the words, help us to dwell on all those things which are troubling us today, knowing that God will find the words for us.
Father of the lost be with us, Father of the weary be with us,Father of all those who need your help and support this day be with us.
Lord in Your Mercy
Heavenly Father we turn to you in time of change. Lead us we pray to a future full of love, joy and hope. Help us to recognise and grasp new opportunities as we face the future with faith and courage.
We pray for those who are coming to our churches in the next few months to be baptised and to be married, for the young children and adults too, finding their way to turn to Christ. Let us be an open channel for their understanding of God’s love for them.
We pray for all those who are ill at this time, those known to us and others in our parishes, hold them in the palm of your hand Lord and let them feel your presence. We hod in our hearts Iris Baker, Steve Collison, Chris Sykes, Florence Newton…
Father, we remember those who have recently departed from this world, and for those whose anniversaries fall at this time.
Lord in Your mercy Hear Our Prayer
We thank you that during Easter we know that Jesus rose from the dead to save us all and bring peace to the world. We pray for places where peace is broken, Gaza and Palestinian areas in Israel, Ukraine, Sudan and the growing tensions in the Middle East.
As the branches on the vine and cared for by the gardener, let us feel your loving presence in all that we do.
As we journey on this week, walking with you, our prayers go to all those who are in places of turmoil, where peace is far from home.
And so…We thank you for this day.
We give into your hands our unfinished tasks, our unsolved problems and our unfulfilled hopes.
Help us to follow in your footsteps, in the sure directions and bring us back from the pathways when we falter.
For you alone are our sure defence, like a seagull gliding in the wind, may we trust ourselves to your love, Give us all a smooth path below us and a kind shepherd behind us, today, tomorrow and forever.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of Your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

Bay of Alcudia, Mallorca from Ermita de Betlem
There can be no greater need for prayers than at this moment in time. People in Gaza are struggling to exist. Neither side seems able to move in any direction towards peace.
In Lent we search ourselves to help others through our prayers to God.. Prayers for us all, prayers for our world and for all people who are suffering. Prayers for a future and prayers for hope.
The prayers are from years in the past and present day, from countries near and far. They seek to bring our thoughts to God and to bring comfort and peace to those in distress.
Rev’d Sue Martin
April 16th The Foot of The Cross

At the foot of the cross in 2015
As we entered The Church of The Holy Sepulchre in 2015, I had decided that I did not want to see the sight of the cross. To see the hole in the rock, where the cross for Jesus had been placed. The actual place! This was a step too far for me.
But not it seemed for God as I walked round and round for two hours whilst others had queued, for the crowds were huge. But yet I kept coming back to the place where I should join the queue. And then I would walk away..
Until finally as we were about to leave the church, I joined the shorter queue .
And there I was at the foot of the cross. In my own little world with Jesus, no other thought than that.
Several months later a fellow pilgrim passed me the photo he took of me on that day and in that place. What more precious photo could I have… ever?
Amen Rev’d Sue Martin
April 15th Good Friday and the Walk to Golgotha

Golgotha in 2015
And yet… they took Jesus and he walked carrying the heavy cross through Jerusalem and the Via Delarosa and on the hill of Golgotha they crucified him.
As we face depths of despair in our lives let us walk on in faith knowing that the story does not end in death but in resurrection.
In our world we pray for those who will face violence today, who will face death. Keep them strong and brave and let the Son shine in their lives today.
Amen Rev’d Sue Martin
April 14th The Upper Room and the Last Supper

Upper room Jerusalem
Father, beyond the two small windows lies the Upper Room where Jesus met with his disciples for the Last Supper. There he shared bread and wine and asked us all to share these as his body and blood. The disciples were filled with tiredness and an awareness of foreboding, yet wonderful too.
As we journey on with Jesus, we know that he is with us at all times and in all places forever. In that small space in Jerusalem which is still easily passed by, a great event happened which we celebrate when we meet together.
Amen Rev’d Sue Martin
April 13th At the Theatre

Shaftesbury Theatre, London
Father, we wait in anticipation and excitement for the opening of the show. People gather excitedly into their seats, boxes are filled, shopping is stowed away. And we wait!
Once it all begins we are lifted into a world far away, with voices, music, lives which have gone astray and are brought back, friends reunited and love in the air.
How much more we find ourselves with you as we head towards Easter, filled with excitement of the scenes that will be shown to us, knowing that the Passion is hard and deeply troubling, but Easter will arrive and bring good news to us all.
As the curtain goes down in the theatre let the curtain in our own lives be lifted high.
Amen Rev’d Sue Martin
April 12th Works of Art

Paul Cezanne Card Players
There are times when works of art reach out to us and call us to look further, to se what is happening in the picture and to see beyond the image. What is happening, who are these people, what do they think of each other, what will happen?
Capturing in time, a moment of life that surrounds us and fills us with thought and beauty, with wonder and praise.
Amen Rev’d Sue Martin
April 11th Two men in Vietnam

Two Men in Hoi An, Vietnam
Father as I journeyed on into countries where life was different, I was led to a café, where time stood still. As I drank a sweet, black coffee the owner returned to his intense game of draughts. People came past the café walking along the river, some looked inside but none came in.
In the stillness of some moments, we find you. In unsuspecting places we know that you are there. And in the shortest of glimpses we see how time moves us inexorably forward.
Amen Rev’d Sue Martin
April 10th Today and Every Day

Restaurant in Ely
At the start of yet another new day, Help us Father to use this day to do some good in your world. Let our joy and happiness at knowing that you are with us be passed to those we meet by a smile, a touch or a sign of love.
In the understanding that one day all will be well, help us to rejoice and be proud to stand in your name.
Amen Rev’d Sue Martin
April 9th Our Beautiful World

Easter Flowers at All Saints Church Ashwicken
We thank you for our beautiful world. We thank you for the Spring breaking through with all the signs of new life and new beginnings. As the winter finally loosens its grip, we can explore the freshness of Spring in our countryside and in our hearts.
We thank you that just as the sun lights up the world and spreads its warmth through the earth, so your love heals us and lights up our lives.
Amen Rev’d Sue Martin
April 8th For Your Goodness

Bike Seller in Hoi An
We thank you. O Lord, for all your goodness to us and this world. For the world you have made and for the strength to serve you in it.
For daily revelations of yourself in nature, in art and in the lives of people.
For the Bible through which you speak your word to us. For all other books which open our minds to your truth.
For the tasks to which you call us, even if we do not think we can!
May your spirit dwell richly within us, enabling us to serve you with gladness all the days of our life.
Amen Rev’d Sue Martin
April 7th Always With Us

Beside the Syrian Sea
Blessed Jesus, you are always near in times of stress, though we cannot feel your presence, you are close.
You are always there to help and watch over us. Nothing in heaven or earth can part you from us.
Lord be with us this day, in whatever life brings us, be close by as we become digital witnesses to war and terror.
Guide us in the direction, where we can truly help.
Amen Rev’d Sue Martin
April 6th Gifts We Have Been Given

Mahmoud in Bethlehem
Lord of all creation, the life we possess is a gift from you. Teach us to value our lives and to use them wisely and responsibly. We all have but one life to live, freely given. Help us to cherish all our gifts and to use them to benefit each other in this world we share.
Amen Rev’d Sue Martin
April 5th Hold My Hand

Grandad and grandchild in tune…
As the rain hides the stars, as the autumn mist hides the hills,
As the clouds veil the blue of the sky. so the dark happenings of my lot,
Hide the shining of your face from me.
Yet. if I may hold your hand in the darkness, it is enough. Since I know that, though I may stumble in my going, you do not let me fall.
Gaelic prayer translated by Alistair Maclean
April 4th Witnessing Communities

World Vision is on the ground helping refugees from Ukraine
We are witness to such dreadful events over the last few weeks. Help us Father to condemn all the evil events. Help us not to be apathetic, not to become accustomed to bad news with devastating results for other people. But rathe that we should feel genuine sorrow and grief for the lives of people who are involved.
Amen Rev’d Sue Martin
April 3rd Heart of a Child

Kalpana from Nepal, 2015 Sponsored by Sue Martin
We ask that we have the heart of a child, pure as a fresh flowing stream,
Glorious in self giving, tender in compassion, faithful and generous.
A heart that never forgets good, nor bears any grudges.
Living in the faith of Jesus Christ. Amen
Rev’d Sue Martin
April 2nd Things we have left undone…

A flying angel
We thank you for this day. We give into your hands our unfinished tasks, our unsolved problems, our unfulfilled hopes.
For you alone are our sure defence, like a seagull gliding on the wind, may we trust ourselves to your love.
Amen Rev’d Sue Martin
April 1st When life gets busy

Missing the bus in Finsbury Pk, London Sue Martin
Let the hurry and worry of our lives fall away. We pray for this day and for the week ahead. Our lives are full of busy ness, full of comings and goings, seemingly full of endless jobs, caught up in meaningless clutter.
Help us to take a ‘breath of fresh air’, to stop for a while and reflect. To find meaning and value in what we do. That in all our daily taske we may feel your guidance and loving arms leading us.
Amen Rev’d Sue Martin
March 31st Pilgrims

Pilgrims from Diocese of Norwich gather outside church of the Nativity in Bethlehem in 2015
Lord of every pilgrim heart, be beside us on the path, and before us on the way.
And through your Spirit, be with us at every turn along the path of our lives.
Whatever may happen today, hold us with you and open our eyes to see your presence.
Amen Rev’d Sue Marin
March 30th Lord of the Unexpected

Mosa-Papua New Guinea The Land of the Unexpected Sue Martin 2015 processing in to church
O Lord of the unexpected, we ask for help when things get tough, when we are presented with things we don’t want to happen, when life doesn’t exactly go as we hope.
May we persevere even when we stumble. even when we fall, may we not be afraid to get up and start again.
Be with us this day and always.
Amen Sue Martin
March 29th Children of Quietness

Christ the King school Port Moresby Papua New Guinea Sue Martin 2015
Lord open to us the seas of your mercy and water us with full streams of living waters from the riches of your grace.
Make us children of quietness and heirs of peace.
Kindle in us all the fire of your love as we come closer to you and to each other in fellowship.
Amen Sue Martin
March 28th The richness of our seas and oceans

River Ouse estuary into the North Sea
Father, we give thanks for all the richness of the seas and oceans. The swirling seas that give us food and the water that is full to abundance with living life. without our seas we would be walking across the desert.
We give thanks for our fishing fleets, for the fisherman and the harbour teams. A food reminds us of the Sea of Galilee and the fisherman that you called as disciples.
Help us all to be fishers of people.
Amen Sue Martin
March 26th As you travel

Source of the River Jordan Caesarea Philippi Rev’d Sue Martin 2020
May God who knows your path and your journey, be with you in your waiting, be your good news for sharing and lead you in a way that is everlasting.
Give to the winds your fear, hope and be dismayed. God hears your sighs and counts your tears. God will lift up your head. Anon
March 25th Peace in the World

Poppies in Norfolk Field July 2021
Lead us from despair to hope, from fear to trust.
Lead us from hate to love, from war to peace.
Let peace fill our hearts, our world and our universe.
March 24th Courage and Love

Hoi An, Vietnam, lady in her boat. Sue Martin 2019
Courage is with love the greatest gift. We are, each of us, defeated many times – but if we accept defeat with cheerfulness and learn from it- then we will find fulfilment.
Source: Rosanne Ambrose Brown (taken from Wisdom for Our Times A Helen Exley Gift Book
March 23rd Strong and gentle
In God we have a Lord and a shepherd: a Lord who can place a hundred billion stars in space, who is so mind numbing mighty, yet, who can come to us as a shepherd with the gentleness of a mother’s hand.
Amen Taken from Psalm 23 v 1 by Richard Daly in God’s Little Book of Love
March 22nd Spring
Morning has broken like the first morning,
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird.
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning,
Praise for them springing fresh from the Word.
Eleanor Farjeon
March 21st Take Time

God’s Little Book of Joy by Richard Daly
Take time to read It is the fountain of wisdom.
Take time to pray It is the greatest power on earth.
Take time to love and be loved It is a God given privilege. Take time to be friendly It is the the road to happiness.
Take time to be friendly It is the road to happiness Take time to laugh It is the music of the soul. Take time to give It is too short a day to be selfish. Take time to work It sit the price of success. Take time to do charity It is the key to heaven.
March 20th Respect for the earth

Source of the River Jordan Caesarea Philippi
Let there be respect for the earth.
Peace for its people.
Love in our lives, delight in the good.
Forgiveness for past wrongs and from now on
A new start in Christ Jesus.
Amen Rev’d Sue Martin
March 19th Let’s Escape!

Jerusalem, Sue Martin 2020
Let us turn aside for a while from our daily employment
Escape for a moment, from the tumult of our thoughts,
Put aside our weighty cares and burdensome distractions,
Free ourselves awhile for God, rest in Him.
Allow Him a minute or two of our time.
Rev’d Sue Martin
March 18th Unity

The globe at Ely Cathedral 2019
Dear Lord, Creator of the world,
Help us to love one another, help us to care for one another,
As sister or brother.
May friendship grow
From nation to nation.
Bring peace to our world, Dear Lord of Creation.
March 18th Longing for light….
Longing for light, we wait in darkness,
Longing for peace, our world is troubled,
Longing for hope, many despair.
Your word alone has power to save us,
Make us your living voice.
Christ be our light, shine in our hearts, shine in the darkness,
Christ be our light, shine in our hearts every day.
Taken from the hymn by Bernadette Farrell
March 17th Listen to the World

Anemones at Abu Gosh, Israel March 2020
Listen to the sounds that surround us.
Listen to the sights that are before us.
Listen to the smells that drift up to us.
Listen to the touch that is always with us.
And what do we hear?
The beauty of our world spread out before us, enrapturing us, inspiring us and enhancing us.
Do you not hear the word of the Lord?
Amen Rev’d Sue Martin
March 16th All good gifts…

Kalpana, brothers and sisters in the Himalayas. Supported by Sue Martin
God of love, we give you thanks for the boundless mercies of our daily lives. Help us to be grateful for your many gifts: for the blessing of health, for the comfort of home and family life, for the joy of friendship and for the beauty of the world around us.
Teach us, day by day, to count our blessings and to receive them from our Father’s hand, fill our hearts with gratitude and our lips with praise.
Amen Rev’d Sue Martin
March 15th Who are our Neighbours?
We pray for our world, for the joining together of peoples across the world to break the power of tyrants.
Let the hurry and worry of our lives be turned to good. Let us support our neighbours in this world who have become refugees, homeless and frightened.
Today we pray for those journeying in vans from the UK packed to the top with medical supplies, warm children’s clothes and essential everyday things.
Grant them safe passage into Ukraine neighbouring countries and safe return.
God Bless their journeys and their love for all our neighbours in this world.
Rev’d Sue Martin
March 14th Burden Bearer

Rt Rev’d Johnathan Meyrich, Bishop of Lynn, renewal of baptism in River Jordan 2020
If any little help may ease the burden of another.
God give me love and care and strength to help along a brother.
Margaret Fishback Powers
March 13th From the Lord of the Rings

The road goes ever on and on
The road goes ever on and on, down from the door, where it began.
Now far ahead the road has gone, and I must follow if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet.
Until it joins some larger way, where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
J.R.R Tolkien
March 12th Small Things with Great Love

Small things…
We can do no great things.
Only small things with great love.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta
March 11th God is … a cloud forming

A cloud forming…
God is…a cloud forming, an eagle soaring,
A voice in the wilderness, echoing through your ear.
Whispering, encouraging, keep going, seek My glory.
Don’t worry, I’ll keep your fears.
Juanita Helphrey
March 10th Home

A Norfolk walk Sue Martin 2018
Home to laughter, home to rest, home to those we love the best.
Home to where there is none to hate, where no foes in anguish wait,
Where no jealous, envious mind, seeks with glee a fault to find.
Now the say is done and I, turn to hear a welcome cry.
Love is dancing at the door, I am safe at home once more.
Margaret Fishbeck Powers
March 9th Being Brave

Mary leaves Nazareth to visit Elizabeth
O Lord, give me courage to do good things.
Give me courage to do the things I want to do
without being afraid of what other people say.
Give me courage to be different.
A child’s prayer, Anon.
March 8th I Walk with Beauty

Returning from the Sunday beach picnic in West New Britain Papua New Guinea. Sue Martin
I walk with beauty before me
I walk with beauty behind me
I walk with beauty above me
I walk with beauty around me.
A Navajo Night Chant from The Lion Book of a 1000 prayers for children
March 7th Set out on the road
Set out! You were born for the road Set out! You have a meeting to keep. Where? With whom? You don’t yet know Perhaps with yourself?
Set out! Your steps will be your words the road your song the weariness your prayer. And at the end your silence will speak to you.
Set out! Alone or with others; but get out of yourself. You have created rivals you will find companions.
You envisaged enemies You will find brothers and sisters.
From Eglesia Paroquial Arta, Mallorca
March 6th Longing for light, we wait in darkness,

The Magi followed a star to Bethlehem
Image from Unsplash
Longing for light, we wait in darkness,
Longing for peace our world is troubled,
Longing for hope, many despair.
Your word alone has power to save us
Make us your living voice.
Christ, be our light, shine in our hearts, shine through the darkness.
Taken from the hymn by Bernadette Farrell
March 5th A Prayer for Ukraine
March 4th Take Time

Playing in the Sand… Livvie at Big Wave Bay, Hong Kong 2014, Sue Martin
Take time to think It is the source of power.
Take time to play It is the secret of perpetual growth.
Take time to read It is the fountain of wisdom.
Take time to pray It is the greatest power on earth.
Take time to love and be loved It is a God given privilege. Take time to be friendly It is the the road to happiness.
Take time to be friendly It is the road to happiness Take time to laugh It is the music of the soul. Take time to give It is too short a day to be selfish. Take time to work It sit the price of success. Take time to do charity It is the key to heaven.
March 3rd I will be with you

Mt of Temptation .. Pilgrimage to Holy Land 2020 Sue Martin
I will go before you, when life gets tough,
I will be close beside you, when the pathway is rough.
My presence is promised, from the beginning of time,
I will never forsake you, because you are mine.
When you go through dark valleys you won’t go alone,
When you sail stormy waters, I’ll lead you home.
I don’t promise blue skies, it won’t always be fine,
But I’ll never forsake you, because you are mine.
March 2nd
A Prayer for Ukraine
Dear Father,
We pray for peace, and for the leaders of the countries as they try valiantly to open talks and prevent further fighting and use of weapons.
We pray for the people in Ukraine, those who have stayed and those who have travelled away from their country in fear and desperation for their lives. Children and families have been separated in the fight for the freedom of their country. Help us to do what we can to help, by giving and praying.
Father, hear our prayers and calm our fears. Be with us and with our neighbours of Ukraine.
Amen. Rev’d Sue Martin