Faith Goes Walkabout

Thoughts and reflections

Pilgrimage… looking beyond

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Dead Sea, Rev'd Sue Martin

The Dead Sea… is it an angel or a cloud overhead? Rev’d Sue Martin

A sense of adventure and an abiding faith have led me to many different places. Journeys beyond home beckon with intrigue and desire. Travelling across borders, known and unknown are full of awe and wonder.

Plans are developing to bring those pilgrimages into homes, a ‘sofa pilgrimage’.

In October 2024 I will start with Assisi, as it is now, and following in the footsteps of St Francis. More info will follow through the summer.

In the meantime  take a look at the Walkabout pages to get a sense of my journeys.

Rev’d Sue Martin

Basilica of St Francis of Assisi

Basilica of St Francis of Assisi


St Anne’s Roman Catholic Church, Stanley, Hong Kong

St Anne’s Church Stanley

Between the bus station and Stanley Market lies the Catholic Church of St Anne’s. It’s a place I have often visited and in April this year I walked into this beautiful church.

The way in or entrance, is through a door on the left of the nave, which is  close to the offices, so you are unaware of the peace to be found as you enter the nave.

The artwork above the altar is stunning, set against a backdrop of  cobalt blue.

Once I had sat down and given myself time for the heat to leave my body it was a real joy to spend time in this place once again, and bring all that lies heavily on my shoulders.

I returned to the apartment on the red double decker no 6X bus, feeling refreshed and happy, or should that mean blessed?


Rev’d Sue Martin

Ma Hang to Stanley


Ma Hang Park to Stanley, Hong Kong Island

My favourite walk from Ma Hang Park, site of the original village, into Stanley on Hong Kong Island. Really peaceful and passed a Buddhist monastery on the way. It’s well fenced off as there are wild boars and dangerous snakes in the scrub.

Hong Kong is such a place of contrasts. If I had travelled by bus the other way I would have been in the centre of Hong Kong, with the most enormous skyscrapers.

Rev’d Sue Martin

Pilgrims walk to Walsingham

On Maundy Thursday we have two legs of the Pilgrim Cross who stop for refreshments and rest on their walk to The Shrine of Our Lady at  Walsingham(Anglican).

At At St Botolph’s Church in Grimston we had the Northern Leg, and at St Nicholas Church in Gayton the Ely Leg arrived. They had been in a rain storm for the last hour, cold, damp and hungry, but in such good spirits. After a brief stay, sausage rolls and cakes were eaten, prayers said and a welcome warm under the heaters, they set off for a further two hours before stopping overnight at Harpley.

The next day they would all journey on to Walsingham and meet with many other pilgrims at the end of their pilgrimage.

Rev’d Sue Martin


Palm Sunday Donkey Service!

In a tiny and beautfiul corner of West Norfolk lies one of our benefice churches, St Mary’s East Walton. Every year on Palm Sunday we gather at the farm, and walk behind the donkeys Jimmy and Timmy into church.

This year we were joined by some keen young people, parents and friends, from one of our church schools. They led us with the readings and prayers and were a joy to have.

Farmer Bill returned with the donkeys and a small carriage and the children rode back in style.

The next day in our larger church at St Nicholas, Gayton we had two church schools into church for their end of term services. Delighted to see so many parents, 500 people in church that Monday!!

What a great start to Holy Week!

Rev’d Sue Martin


Papua New Guinea Bishop of Norwich Lent Appeal 2024 The Water of Life

Ten years ago I went to Papua New Guinea on a pilgrimage with the Diocese of Norwich.

Since then I continue to be active in supporting projects to help people in that country. In 2024 we are hoping to raise enough money to supply water tanks for the student accommodation at Newton Theological College. This will bring then freshwater and enable sanitation too.

A great project and to get the appeal started, three of the committee at the Diocese of Norwich PNG Link group, including myself, are presenting a series of talks at Norwich Cathedral Library this Saturday morning.

More info will be posted Saturday afternoon.

Rev’d Sue Martin

Korcula, Croatian island in Adriatic

View of Korcula and St Mark’s Cathedral    image Sue Martin

In the summer of 2022, I took a ferry from Split to Korcula. In the steamy heat of a Croatian July day,the ferry docked at this beautiful place in the midst of the Adriatic. A small island with lots of history and a maze of tiny streets.

From the tower of St Mark’s Cathedral I gazed across the deep blues seas, and wondered at the beauty and splendour in our world.

St Mark’s Cathedral was built in the 15th Century, in  Gothic-Renaissance style and has  two Tintoretto paintings.

Journeying alone can be fun and gives me time to let the day wander into my mind through the sights in front of me and a real sense of place and the history of days gone by.

Rev’d Sue Martin


St Martin’s Funchal Madeira

Image: a view to the horizon and the ocean...

Image: a view to the horizon

Peace in the early morning whilst gazing out in the Atlantic Ocean.Time for some relaxation, reading and walking at the start of a short break in February.

Rev’d Sue Martin

Ermita de Betlem Mallorca

A wonderful view across the Bay of Alcudia from Ermita de Betlem

A journey to my favourite place in Mallorca. Following a steep and  bending road, with the sharpest of hairpin bends,we made it safely in our little hire car to the Ermita de Betlem. A tiny sacred space,once  home to a larger monastery similar to Lluc in Mallorca. Now it stands lonely and quiet, far from tourist eyes and coaches.

A ten minute walk along the sheep track led us to this magnificent view at the top of the Bay of Alcudia. So blue, so quiet and tranquil on a warm and gentle day.

Rev’d Sue Martin

The Easter Story

Telling the story…


In the week before Easter I visited our three schools for their end of term Collective Worship. I had prepared a short talk, some additional props to help this incredible and yet, such a hard story. To be honest, I was feeling a little daunted.

Each of the three schools were so well prepared, in different ways, but the amazing thing that bound them all together was their understanding and ability to explain  the whole story by writing, pictures and actions.

Sometimes we should just leave the story to itself and not over-complicate things. Too much theological interpretation is not always a good thing!!

Rev’d Sue Martin

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