candles advent







All out of darkness we have light
Which made the angels sing that night
Glory to God and peace to men
Now and for evermore. Amen

Messages! John the Baptist to the angels visiting the shepherds.
Important messages, probably the most important message in the world!!

But a message from whom?
Who is it that is calling out to us in the time of darkness, nights getting longer and days getting shorter, it’s getting closer and closer…

Guiding, directing, showing the way, bit like pathways and life too.

How often do we decide that the path is not the right one for us, too long? Too stony or swampy? Too much for the time we have today?

But the path that God has set before us is never too long, there is never a time to give up on the work and the life that we have before us.

When you feel yourself starting to give in to the comfy cosy option then get back to the path ahead

Rev’d Sue Martin

Curate Gayton group of parishes