In this heatwave I have been enjoying being in the garden in the evening. We have a wonderful view of the western skies . On Tuesday eveningĀ I watched and I waited. The sky slowly changed from pinkĀ to darkness. The sun went down in the west and the moon came up in the south.
How amazing was that!
The moon slowly changed from having pink edges to a beautiful white with just the outline of the craters on the moon visible.
How amazing it was. Then in the darkness I saw the bats overhead. I heard the call of the tawny owls. I watched as one flew from one oak tree to another and then started to call the young over to it. I looked up at the sky when the stars were appearing overhead , many billions of light years away.
How amazing is that!
God’s world is full of awe and wonder. Read more in Sermons 2022.
Rev’d Sue Martin