I’ll be there for you always! Mothering Sunday

Livvie44th Sunday in Lent 3rd April 2011
Hebrews 12: 22 – 24
John 9

This is what it means to be a Mum, never far away, even though the miles may separate us. Always there, ever present, ever by your side.

Of course not all of life is as wonderful and romantic as that. Just think for moment of all those times when being a Mum or a parent is just plain hard work, never in the right place, always wearing the wrong thing, saying the wrong words….

Being a mother so what does it mean,what are the words that it conjures up; love, care, nurture, encourage, guide, friend, supporter, healer, teacher, the list goes on and I’m sure you can add lots to it.

Quite a list but yet the best thing in the world. Celebrate with us on this Mothering Sunday.

Revd Sue Martin