IMG 0426Deepening Vocation

Over 200 clergy members of the Norwich Diocese are spending four days at University of Hertfordshire.

The days have been spent in worship, study, listening to speakers and being involved in some very stimulating workshops, along with time to reflect and share together in friendship.

On Wednesday the conference listened to The Rev’d Professor Sarah Cockley from University of Cambridge and Ely Cathedral, on the Christian Priest Today. A straightforward title but a very deep lecture and discussion on the paradox of priestly vocation and sense of spirituality and the conflicting need to be business like and efficient in line with organisational structures.

Speakers have also included The Rev’d Dr Jo Bailiey-Wells on Deepening Vocation and The Rev’d Richard Coles on fiction and film.

Still time for coffee breaks and a chance to catch up with friends.

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Rev’d Sue Martin

Curate in the Gayton Group of Parishes