Thoughts and reflections

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Alaska and Tidewater Glaciers

A trip of a lifetime ! In search of  tidewater glaciers.I have been interested in glaciology since I studied geography and geomorphology as a student.

On a visit to Vancouver to see the sights and meet with cousins and friends,  it seemed the perfect time to add on a 3 hour flight north to Alaska. On August 27th 2024, Emily and I flew first to Vancouver and then onto Anchorage, Alaska on 30th August.

In Anchorage we joined the Alaska Railroad train to Whittier, Prince William Sound on a scenic route along the coast and into the mountains.

At Whittier we embarked on a smallish boat with 80 other people and sped along College Sound until we came in sight of hanging glaciers and then the tidewater glacier of Harvard Glacier.

Amazing sight, had everyone in silence as we gazed in awe at the sight of this spectacular glacier, blue ,white and grey, serene and  full of power.

Harvard Glacier is 20 miles long, 200 ft tall at the waters edge and over 30,000 years old.

As we gazed in silence we heard the sounds of the ice groaning or like a gun shot as the ice then fell into the sea.This glacier is still advancing and gaining in its size unlike so many.

More to follow….


Rev’d Sue Martin


The Bread of Life


The bread of life

Bread is a basis of the food that we need, it is a staple ingredient to keep ourselves healthy. It is like a mainstay to making sure that the morning starts well or at some time in the day we are provided for. Think of all the times you eat bread….

In the gospel of John for todays readings on 11th Sunday in Trinity Jesus says;

‘I am the bread of life’ ‘whoever comes to me will never go hungry and whoever believes in me will never go thirsty’.

I’ve just retuned from a holiday in Croatia and every morning it was my job to cycle the mile along the edge of the Adriatic to buy the bread and croissants. Not too hard a job!

Every day we shared the bread as a provision, it gave us all joy and a chance to talk together… read more on sermons.

Rev’d Sue Martin

Palm Sunday

Following the donkeys into St Mary's East Walton

Palm Sunday April 2nd 2023 at St Mary’s East Walton 

What a delight to follow behind the young donkeys on our way into church on Palm Sunday. Both young donkeys went straight into church and stayed with us for the first hymn, we have a king who rides a donkey!

Donkeys – what do they mean to us? Calm, loving, spirited, friendly.

As we start Holy Week we remember the entry into Jerusalem by Jesus on the young donkey as the crowds shouted ‘Hosanna’ and waved palm leaves before him.

Much was to happen in this week … Read more in Sermons 2023

Rev’d Sue Martin

Only two days away!!

Martha had sent a message to Jesus to come quickly as her brother Lazarus was seriously ill. But Jesus stayed away for two days, why?

Some different thoughts on time keeping are…

Nice and early, Always on time, Just in time and Running late!

Nice and early. I have to admit to hardly ever fitting into the first one, nice and early. As much as I would love to be that organised I never really am.

Always on time is not for me either, hand on heart. I am now better but I have to really work at it!

Just in time fits me nicely. Gathering things together, having a last cup of tea and then getting to the right place.

Running late – can still be said of me occasionally now. I don’t like it as it means that you may be letting people down, so I do try hard!

And so Mary and Martha were distraught, Lazarus, their brother had died, They had sent word to Jesus who was only two days away, so why didn’t he come then?

Read more… Sermons 2023


A New Beginning

Let’s take a tiny thing… the snowdrop… Lots now flowering in our churchyards, a flower of winter, and a herald of Spring. How uplifting it is to see their beautiful and tiny white flowers appear through the ground and make carpets of flower in January and February. The beginning of our year. They represent purity. Light and peace.

Snowdrops are a first sign, a promise that spring is on its way, sometimes called Candlemass Bells.

Read more in Sermons 2023

Rev’d Sue Martin

A Sky full of Angels!

Sky Full of Angels

In the depths of our winter, 2nd January was a bright and sunny day. Gazing westwards across the Norfolk fields I saw a sky lit up with  angels (disguised as clouds)! There is certainly one who is shining so brightly!

Christ Whose Glory Fills the Skies!

Rev’d Sue Martin


Baubles in Advent

Epiphany – the realisation that Jesus is in the world with us all!

And so the good news continues. Epiphany is the time when the Magi arrived at Bethlehem,

We know the story, we know why the Magi brought the gifts they did, they were gifts for a king. Melchior from Persia brought gold, Caspar from India brought myrrh and Balthazar from Ethiopia brought frankincense.

This the real celebration, we have all the story, we have the light of the world come to live with us, and he will be with us forever.

Read more in Epiphany page.

Let’s move forward into 2023 in the light, it has dispelled the darkness and will never be put out! Alleluia!

Rev’d Sue Martin Diocese of Norwich

Christmas is Coming!

St Mary’s East Walton, West Norfolk

The last of the shopping, the final decorations, how many more lights can we have?

Watching the night skies when it has been so cold and the night skies have shimmered with stars have been amazing. Jupiter has been shining bright in the evening sky. How much brighter it would have shone on that Christmas Eve before Jesus was born as it moved towards an alignment with Saturn and the star Regulus.

A time for awe and wonder, a time to experience how large is the universe and how small our part plays, but yet for each one of us we are important to God.

Mary and Joseph would have been approaching Bethlehem so many years ago, the city would have been seen under the same sparkling sky.

Let’s journey together under the same starry skies.

Rev’d Sue Martin

St Michael and All Angels- Michaelmass

St Michael is seen as the chief of archangels, a defender, guardian, protector of Israel and the faith. He is shown in Daniel as a warrior and of course in Revelation he is the slayer of the dragon and the angel who cast out the Satan from the heavenly thrones.

The to angels is said to be:

First Order are Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones,

Second order Dominions, Powers and Virtues

Third Order Principalities, Archangels and Angels

Terms also to describe angels are sons of God, ‘holy ones’, Angels are mentioned in the divine council of God as members of a heavenly chorus,

St Michael is  gentle and brave, gallant and bold.

From the hymn by Jan Struther,

Let faith be my shield and let joy be my steed

‘Gainst the dragons of anger and the ogres of greed:

And let me set free, with the sword of my youth,

From the castle of darkness, the power of the truth.

Michaelmass, September 29th is the time we remember St Michael and also celebrate the changing seasons of the agricultural world.

Read more in Sermons 2022

Sun and Moon- How Amazing is That!

Full Moon August 12th St Botolph’s Church. Grimston

In this heatwave I have been enjoying being in the garden in the evening. We have a wonderful view of the western skies . On Tuesday evening  I watched and I waited. The sky slowly changed from pink  to darkness. The sun went down in the west and the moon came up in the south.

How amazing was that!

The moon slowly changed from having pink edges to a beautiful white with just the outline of the craters on the moon visible.

How amazing it was. Then in the darkness I saw the bats overhead. I heard the call of the tawny owls. I watched as one flew from one oak tree to another and then started to call the young over to it. I looked up at the sky when the stars were appearing overhead , many billions of light years away.

How amazing is that!

God’s world is full of awe and wonder. Read more in Sermons 2022.

Rev’d Sue Martin

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